Friday, February 1, 2013

16 Low Cost Family Dinners

14 dinners   After the first week of January was over and the kids were back in school, the normal life of 2013 began. I decided to kick if off with my number one goal this year: SAVE MONEY!!
I assessed my 2012 spending budget and realized that most my spending was in two places (Costco is exempt): 1. The grocery store and 2. Target.
Immediately I vowed to not step inside a Target for the whole month of January. It’s February 1st and I succeeded (granted there were Target withdrawals and I have a running list of all the things I need to buy in Target when I decide my Target hiatus is over. I also refrained from shopping in any stores that did not solely involve food.)
I also determined that I need to make my grocery trips minimal yet effective. This goal provides me with the opportunity to tackle another needs for improvement area which is meal planning. In the past, I’ve tried to sit down every weekend to plan the upcoming week’s dinner menu with the intent of taking my prepared list on my Monday grocery shopping day. It doesn’t happen. The weeks and weekends fly by and I’m left unprepared. So….
On the first Sunday of January, I googled “cheap family dinners” and found many helpful recipes. Typically I cook four dinners a week. (In case you are curious as to why: I work Tuesday evenings and the boys eat dinner at my mom’s house and the hubs fends for himself, Saturdays we eat out, and Sundays is usually at the In-laws.) In January I needed 16 dinners. To eat on the healthier side we are trying to do a salad night, a pasta night, a soup or non-meat night, and a breads night i.e. Pizza or Burgers or Sandwiches.
This is what I planned:
You can find all these recipes on my Pinterest board: Let’s Eat
14 dinners
Here’s to 2013 having more savings and better planning! One month down, 11 to go.

1 comment:

  1. I dread the day when I have to do family planning. Nice job. I actually rarely go to target anymore actually.


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